Cornerstone is a Christ-centered, Bible-believing, family-friendly church located in East Wichita. We're a sister church in the Seventh-day Adventist denomination, and belong to the Kansas-Nebraska Conference.  

We focus on Jesus Christ, loving Him, obeying Him, living like Him, leading others to Him, and soon living forever with Him in heaven.

We'd love to have you join us Saturdays for worship and Bible study! We hope that you'll enjoy our website and drop us a line, give us a call, or stop by to meet us sometime!

Unable to join us in person? 

Log in for live worship service at 10:50 on Sabbath morning:


   **New Zoom Link & Meeting ID**:

   Meeting ID: 819 5258 2505

Upcoming Events

  • October 19: Music Sabbath & fall concert

  • October 19-November 2: Digital Revival Series


  • November 9: Holy Communion